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How to operate and manage quality playground equipment most accurately

To achieve success when running a children’s play area business. In addition to choosing quality equipment, operating and managing quality playground equipment effectively is a mandatory condition to create a safe and long-lasting playground. This is exactly what business owners are currently struggling with and have no answer for. 

Children’s play areas are increasingly developing to meet the needs of children for play and entertainment. However, over time and due to many factors, some playgrounds become degraded and old. Therefore, it no longer attracts children to play, leading to ineffective activities. What’s more important is that quality playground equipment management is still an unanswered question for many business owners. If you are running a children’s play area business, take a few minutes to read and accumulate more knowledge. 

Common problems in children’s play areas

The children’s play area has helped dispel parents’ worries when they don’t know where to let their children play. In addition, children can have fun and develop naturally compared to using technology devices too early. Children’s play area includes indoor and outdoor play areas with a variety of different games for children to play, learn, and become aware of everything around them.

Current status of quality playground equipment management

Update and upgrade equipment: No upgrades or innovations lead to boredom and do not attract children to play. 

Repair and warranty: With outdoor play areas, due to the influence of sun and rain, the play equipment gradually fades in color. Damage often occurs, leading to unusability and costly repairs. At the same time, it does not guarantee the safety of children.

Play area safety level: For indoor and outdoor play areas where children are hyperactive and often run and jump. At the same time, toys are often scattered on the floor, not neatly folded and easily trampled on, causing damage while children are playing.

Number of employees: Currently, in many large amusement parks in urban areas, children often come on weekends. Therefore, controlling children entering and exiting the area and controlling children when participating in play are facing big problems because they do not know how to allocate and manage personnel. Causes many difficulties in operating and managing quality playground equipment. 

Leading playground equipment in Vietnam
Leading playground equipment in Vietnam

How to manage quality playground equipment in the most effective way

The above issues will affect the operations of amusement parks. Therefore, there needs to be effective solutions and remedies. Below are 8 factors that help manage quality playground equipment in the most effective and accurate way today:  

Full business operating license

This is the first thing we want to talk about in order to operate the playground effectively. This is obvious because without a business license, your amusement park will not operate long term and safely. There will be many uncertainties during operations from legal issues. Therefore, make sure that your business license is complete so that your business operates stably and long term.

Recruit, train, and manage personnel appropriately

Employees are the brains that create any success for a business. And amusement park business is no exception. Why do we say that? Just imagine, when your amusement park comes into operation, but your staff is not professional, many customers will be dissatisfied with the service. Great impact on business. Of course there will be worse cases that business owners can also think of. Therefore, you need a separate process to have a team of professional staff:

Classifying types of fun: This is the first step we talk about. Each type of entertainment will have an appropriate number of staff

Recruiting personnel: The first step for the amusement park to come into operation. At the same time, the recruitment notice needs to clearly describe the job position, number of employees, working hours, and for each type of entertainment. So that subscribers can better understand the work process.

Personnel training: Need to support and train personnel so they have soft skills. Help them have the necessary knowledge for the job.

Evaluate work performance: After a period of operation, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of the employee’s work. Then adjust personnel to suit each person for each job.

Manage and train employees appropriately
Manage and train employees appropriately

General management in the amusement park

This is the next thing we want to talk about. Operating an amusement park is extremely important. If you don’t know how to allocate staff, manage revenue and expenditure, and control the number of customers. Then your amusement park will quickly fail.

Staff allocation: In an amusement park there will be many different types of entertainment. Each type will have many different game categories. Allocate employees to match the categories to make the operating process more convenient.

Managing income and expenditure: Income and expenditure is necessary for you to know where your business is at. Every day, the amusement park has to earn and spend a lot. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand each expenditure item at each time according to regulations. You can also use management software to support you.

Control the number of visitors and build effective marketing: The part of controlling the number of visitors will aim to determine whether the daily profit is enough to come up with appropriate marketing plans. Of course, when using funds for marketing, you first need to clearly understand the purpose and assess customer needs, then you can come up with appropriate marketing strategies.

Choose children’s play equipment

After determining the children’s play area business location, investors will calculate and choose which children’s playground equipment is suitable for their play area. In addition, it is necessary to determine which group of children come to play and decorate and design accordingly.

Children’s playground equipment is increasingly diverse and is provided by many different companies. At that time, it is necessary to choose reputable units with good sales, warranty and maintenance policies to avoid rapid deterioration of equipment, making it difficult and expensive to repair, and to be able to meet the needs of the equipment. Children’s play area, ensuring safety.

Currently, 067 Company Limited is the leading distributor of amusement equipment for large amusement parks in Vietnam. The company specializes in supplying, consulting, designing and installing indoor and outdoor children’s play equipment. Quality on each product, good warranty and maintenance. You can choose 067 Group as your supplier if you are planning to build an amusement park. 

Choose quality play equipment to ensure children's safety
Choose quality play equipment to ensure children’s safety

Ensure children’s safety when playing

For children, when playing, they often run and jump, compete with other friends for toys, etc., leading to impacts and dangers for children during play. Therefore, fathers, mothers or employees of amusement parks need to note the following.

Open space: When children play games haphazardly, it will make the play space cramped and narrow. Therefore, when you see that your child has stopped playing games, put them away and arrange them neatly so that the space is clear, children can easily operate and limit the risk of toys being damaged by children accidentally stepping on them.

Supervision and monitoring: For parents, or staff at the amusement park, it is necessary to monitor children while playing to ensure safety, prevent unexpected risks that may occur, or limit Prevent children from competing with each other for toys.

Update and change the type of play to suit each child’s needs

This is an important factor for effective management of quality playground equipment. Children’s needs and interests are very diverse, so it is important to understand and understand their psychology in order to come up with solutions such as changing games, service methods, promotions, and prize-winning entertainment. Or organizing events and decorating children’s playground equipment in the play area on special occasions will create a new feeling, attracting children to play and have new feelings and experiences.

In addition, the games in the amusement park also need to be updated, adding more new games to avoid boredom when the amusement park does not have innovation over time.

Good maintenance and upkeep plan

Children’s playground equipment, after a period of use, will easily degrade quickly and sometimes have problems and damage. Therefore, you need to periodically monitor and contact the supplier for warranty and regular maintenance to help them operate as long as possible, minimizing unnecessary repair costs.

Above is the information that needs to be kept in mind so that the children’s play area operates effectively and long term. In addition, it is necessary to monitor children’s playground equipment carefully to detect damage to promptly fix it, minimize repair costs, help children be safer when playing, and reduce repair costs. Repair and replace when damage occurs.

Organize promotions during special times

To maintain customers, you should have plans to organize promotions. For customers who regularly visit the amusement park, there should be special incentives. There are many big holidays to attract and attract customers to the amusement park such as: Christmas. Tet, Children’s Day,…

In addition, organize regular customer card issuance programs: weekly cards, half-month cards, monthly cards with different prices. Customers can choose their own next date. Design cards with boxes to mark playing dates and score cards,..

Organize promotions for customers who regularly visit
Organize promotions for customers who regularly visit

Provide an address for setting up a playground in Hanoi

067 Company Limited is currently a leading distributor of children’s play equipment. Here, we specialize in supplying, installing, and indoor and outdoor playground equipment. You can completely put your trust in the products and services of 067 Group by:

  • The product is manufactured on modern chains. Product materials meet international standards. Always highly durable compared to similar products
  • Always update designs to meet children’s needs
  • Maintenance mode, clear maintenance
  • Dedicated professional staff with many years of experience in installation and construction work
  • In addition, 067 Group also participates and implements many projects and receives positive reviews from customers.

Above is the most accurate way to operate and manage quality playground equipment that 067 Group wants to send to you. Hopefully this article will help you a lot in operating and managing the amusement park most effectively. If you have any questions, please contact hot line: 086877 3737, for direct answers.  



067 Company Limited

Address:38 Ven Ho Ha Dinh street, Ha Dinh ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City

Tel: 0868 77 3737

Email: [email protected]

FanPage: Thiết bị vui chơi 067

Contact Us


  • 38 Ven Ho Ha Dinh street, Ha Dinh ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City
  • Tel: 0868 77 3737 – 0765 067 067 – 0778 067 067
  • Tel: +84 24 66 73 3777 – +84 24 66 73 9777


